Sleeve gastrectomy

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Sleeve gastrectomy

Obesity surgeries

Sleeve gastrectomy

With the increase in the number of morbidly obese patients in huge quantities, sleeve gastrectomy or partial gastrectomy appeared as one of the operations of obesity, and with the habit of eating large amounts of food leads to an exaggerated expansion of the stomach and not feeling full except after a large, fatty meal, and of course this leads to Gaining a lot of calories.

Accordingly, fat is stored in the body and causes pathological weight gain that hinders a person from practicing his life in a healthy and proper manner.

Sleeve gastrectomy is only a way to help reduce weight, and the following three steps are the basis for reducing weight.

Change your eating habits – Increase your physical activity – Monitor your health

3/4 of the stomach formation is removed, making it smaller in size, similar to a thin tube about the size of a dispenser’s finger. Staplers are used to keep the new stomach closed.

The new size of the stomach helps to quickly feel full and not be able to eat large amounts of food. Sleeve gastrectomy works to lose 60 percent of the total weight.

  For example: If you need to lose 100 pounds, surgery helps you lose 60 pounds during the first twelve months after the operation, feeling full and you have to remove the hormone Ghrelin.

Sleeve gastrectomy depends mainly on reducing the size of the stomach, so that part of it is removed using the endoscope. The part responsible for secreting the hunger hormone called “ghrelin” is removed, which means that you will feel less hungry and feel full and full faster than before. The treatment also includes daily exercises such as walking, climbing stairs, cycling

Is sleeve gastrectomy suitable for my case?

1- Candidates for sleeve gastrectomy

Those who suffer from obesity and the need to lose about half of their full weight, and whose obesity poses a threat to their lives, and the operation can be performed as a primary solution or as the first steps in obesity treatment for people with high mass who need a diet suitable for their condition after the operation to reach a satisfactory result.

  2- The post-gastric sleeve stage

You need rest after the operation, and the doctor will tell you the list of food that should be eaten in the first month of the operation so that no serious complications occur after the operation. You will notice the difference after a minute when you eat, as you will feel full from the small amounts of food.

3- Post-op tips for an active lifestyle

Continue walking for 30 minutes or more on most days. Do not use the elevator. Use the stairs. If you have a walk nearby, it is best to walk to it. Try to cycle. Follow a balanced regimen of physical activity. Exercise keeps the gastric sleeve surgery going.

4- The benefits of sleeve gastrectomy

The patient’s condition improves and health risks disappear as follows: High blood pressure, sleep apnea, asthma, diabetes, high cholesterol and lipid levels, urinary incontinence, skin infections, arthritis, lower back pain, and metabolic syndrome.

Sleeve gastrectomy takes several hours and differs from one patient to another depending on the state of health and the type of operation. The method of performing the operation is divided into two types:

The first type of sleeve gastrectomy:

Normally, a surgical incision is made in the abdomen, then the stomach is gagged and the incision is closed. It is not a preferred type for everyone, especially women, because it leaves a large scar at the incision site and requires a plastic surgery to treat it.

The second type of sleeve gastrectomy:

In it, small incisions are made in the abdomen, and then a surgical scope is inserted. The operation is performed through it. After the operation is completed, the incisions are closed. This type is preferred by many because it does not require a plastic surgery and the wound heals quickly.

Foods allowed to be eaten before the operation:

  • artichoke

  • germinated bean

  • green beans

  • beets

  • broccoli

  • cabbage

  • carrots

  • cauliflower

  • parsley

  • Green leafy vegetables

Caffeine drinks such as tea, coffee, and green tea without sugar or milk. You can use artificial sweeteners, eat jelly, and add spices such as salt, pepper, spices, vinegar, lemon, and garlic.

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