Colon tumors

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Colon tumors

Tumor surgeries

The colon or large intestine is medically divided into the right colon, the transverse colon, and extends across the abdomen from right to left, the left colon, and then the rectum.

Types of colon tumors:

1- Benign tumors, i.e. non-malignant tumors

2- Malignant tumors, i.e. cancerous tumors

Benign tumors, which are from their name, are tumors found in the colon and remain in the colon. They do not spread outside the colon, and they are slow in growth. They may be unilateral, i.e. a single tumor, or multiple, and these multiple may exist in a number of members of the same family, meaning that they may exist among more than one generation in the same family, and there are more than A type, as some of them are accompanied by the presence of discoloration, i.e. an increase in the presence of melanin in the lips and tongue, and the multiple tumors present in these patients, which are of different sizes and are spread in different parts of the colon, and some of them can turn into a cancerous tumor.

Symptoms of colon polyps:

Patients with colon polyps suffer from the following:

1- Frequent and non-specific abdominal pain

2- Passing out, i.e. stool may be accompanied by blood

  Diagnosis of benign colon tumors:

1- The medical history, with a focus on the family history, whether one of the family members had or had colon tumors.

2- Clinical examination, including examination of the lips, mouth, abdomen and anus.

3- Laboratory examination, especially stool examination for visible and invisible blood, as well as examination of tumor parameters.

4- Endoscopy, i.e. colonoscopy, and we do the endoscopy for two purposes, a diagnostic goal, i.e. seeing and determining the location, size, and number of tumors. The second goal is to remove the tumor, and we replace it through the endoscope at the same time, meaning that we diagnose and treat such tumors at the same time, and send the tumor to the tissue laboratory to confirm the nature of the tumor, but if the tumor is from The type found in more than one member of the family, so tissue samples must be taken from more than one tumor for examination in the laboratory, as well as colonoscopy for all family members.

A percentage of these tumors turn into cancerous tumors, and this may require the eradication of all parts of these tumors.

Symptoms or complaints of colon cancer patients:

1- Frequent and prolonged abdominal pain

2- Weight loss and emaciation

3- Loss of appetite

4- Increased constipation

5- A change in the nature of the stool, as it becomes thin and hard

6- Excretion of blood accompanying the stool

7- Bowel obstruction with vomiting and no excretion of feces or flatulence

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