SASI Surgery

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SASI Surgery

Obesity surgeries

What is the SASI Surgery?

This type of bariatric surgery is called SASI, an acronym for Single Anastmosis Sleeve Ileal Bypass.

It is also known as the bilateral division, because it combines the sleeve gastrectomy process and the gastric bypass process, and thus there are two paths in front of the food:

The normal pathway is the esophagus (stomach – duodenum – intestine)

The other path is from the stomach to the intestine directly.

It takes place in two steps :

The first step:

It is the sleeve gastrectomy, in which about 75% of the size of the stomach is cut, which reduces the capacity of the stomach, as well as reduces the effect of the hormone ghrelin, which is responsible for the feeling of hunger, and then greatly reduces food intake.

The second step:

It is a bypass where the lower part of the stomach is connected to the small intestine, thus reducing the absorption of fats and sugars by a large percentage. SASI operations are among the most recent and most successful obesity surgeries, and they are suitable for people who suffer from obesity, and eat sugars and fats greedily. At the same time, it is not required to continue taking vitamins after this operation, which is one of the great advantages of this operation, and this is the difference between sleeve gastrectomy and SASI.

How to heal SASI or the surgery of bilateral division of type 2 diabetes?

1- Increase insulin secretion from the pancreas.

2- Reducing the body’s resistance to insulin.

3- Reducing the calories entering the body as a result of reducing the size of the stomach.

Who is this surgery suitable for?

1- Age from 18 to 65 years.

2- Obese patients with a body mass index (BMI) higher than 35

3- Obese patients who have a BMI higher than 30 and have other health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Why Sasi?

1- Because it is an obesity process that avoids the problem of vitamin deficiency.. Therefore, the patient does not need after that to continue taking vitamins for long periods.

 2- Excellent results in getting rid of type 2 diabetes. It gives a cure rate of about 95%.

3- The obese patient got rid of many complications of obesity, such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, mental disorders, and bone and joint problems.

What after the surgery?

1- One-day stay in the hospital.

2- Returning to work and practicing normal life after a week at most.

3- Commitment to healthy eating and exercise to maintain the results of the operation.

4- Commitment to taking vitamins for a short period after the operation, as determined by the doctor.

Where did the name “Sassi” come from?

It is an abbreviation for Single Anastmosis Sleeve Ileal Bypass

Any operation that combines mini gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy… It is one of the most recent obesity operations in the world and the most effective in curing type 2 diabetes.

It has also been called bipartite because food has two pathways in front of it:

1- The normal course of the esophagus (stomach – duodenum – intestine)

2- A path from the stomach to the intestine directly through the connection between the stomach and the intestine.

What are the risks of SASI surgery?

Like other bariatric surgeries, the risks are in the range of 1-3 and include:

1- The possibility of food leakage from the stomach, which is a serious symptom that requires prompt intervention.

2- Possibility of bleeding, which can be controlled by re-entering the endoscope.

3- Possibility of infection of the wound if it is not taken care of and cleaned.

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